Say hello to NARA — the wellness app for women, backed by the latest science.

Simplify health, and minimize stress with intuitive tools and solutions for mind-and-body wellness.


A made-for-you plan…

NARA works from the data you choose to share, and can provide in-depth insights based on your DNA profile, existing health regimen, self-reported feedback, and long-term wellness goals to offer personalized solutions backed by the latest science.

What works for one person won’t work for everyone — and we’re here to provide you with the holistic-health tools you need to maximize healing and redefine your path to vitality and wellness.

What Makes NARA Different?

Personalized Insights

NARA works with your current regimen, self-reported symptoms, and even your genetics to offer personalized insights for mind-and-body wellness.

A Made-for-Women Experience

NARA addresses the unique needs of women — and can help you build routines that consider hormonal balance, reproductive health, and the changes we face with aging.

Self-Guided Reflection

Monitor your progress with our self-guided check-ins. Track sleep, energy, mood, and cognition for actionable feedback on what works and what doesn’t.

Fact-Checked Solutions

We sift through the noise to find up-to-date, expert-endorsed, and credible data so you can focus on optimizing your lifestyle, and jump starting your healing process.

A Crystal-Clear Process   

Wellness can feel overwhelming. We know this. So, we’ve created a healing toolkit packed with intuitive tools, and actionable steps for improvement.


Leverage natural solutions.

Uncover lasting wellness.


Streamline your path mind-and-body wellness.